Perú Folk Radio

by Perú Folk Radio

Music & Audio


PERUFOLKRADIO.COM is the leading radio station for Andean and Latin American music, which offers you scoops, videos, interviews, concerts and the most varied programming with the hits of our Andean music 24 hours live.PeruFolkRadio was born in the city of Trujillo in August 2006, with the aim of informing and entertaining our listeners through the music that unites us.Download our official app and leave us your comments and/or suggestions.- Features of the app:• Audio streaming in AAC+ 96 kbps format.• Shows album covers, song titles and artist.• Web integrated into the app, you can navigate while listening to the radio.• It is integrated into our social networks: facebook, instagram, telegram and twitter.• Free download and without advertisingCOPYRIGHT, TRADEMARKS AND OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTSDesign and development by Alex Silva.This Android App as a whole, and all the material contained therein, is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights. You can therefore view, print and copy the contents of this Site (including, by way of example only, texts, images, animations, videos, logos and drawings) solely for personal purposes of a non-commercial nature. Except as provided herein, it is not permitted to use, modify, print, display, reproduce, distribute or publish the information contained in this Site without the written consent of Alex Silva (Developer). This Site may contain material protected by third party intellectual property rights. In such cases, the permitted uses must be verified with the owners or licensees of the related rights as identified on the Site from time to time.Digitally signed by Alex Silva